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NVO Consolidation, a worldwide neutral NVOCC, partnered up with One Tree Planted that aims to plant a large number of trees for landscape restoration in 2022. For every online booking made via NVOGO, NVO Consolidation will plant one tree anywhere in the world.
“We only have one mother Nature, and we should take good care of her, but now we don’t”, said the Chief Executive Officer of NVO Consolidation, Michael de Rouw. “Shipping also contributes to climate change. We decided to partner up with One Tree Planted because we want to help the environment with reducing CO2, because what is being destroyed now is difficult to reverse if we continue in the same way.”
The partnership is designed to be simple for customers, clients, and partners to get involved in global reforestation. For every online booking made via NVOGO, the company will give $1 to One Tree Planted to plant one tree. The trees are planted by local partner organizations and community volunteers in areas where there has been deforestation.
You plant, we pay! Create your booking via our online portal NVOGO and plant one tree anywhere in the world, on behalf of NVO Consolidation. Will you help us make the world a little better and greener?

Why planting trees?
Even though air and ocean transport each account for less than 3.5% of total EU greenhouse gas emissions, they are one of the fastest growing causes of CO2 emissions contributing to climate change. We decided to partner up with this environmental charity, One Tree Planted, to give back to the environment, create a healthier climate, protect biodiversity, and help reforestation efforts around the world. All by planting trees!
Did you ever ask yourself why trees are so important? Trees help filter the air we breathe, clean the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. Forests provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines. Trees are essential to the health of our planet, biodiversity, and reducing the harmful effects of climate change. Not only do trees clean our air and water and help regulate our climate, they provide important habitat for wildlife, provide economic outcomes, and improve our overall health!

Trees fight climate change
One of the factors affecting global warming and climate change is the levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. As a tree grows, it absorbs carbon dioxide from the air and stores carbon as wood and releases oxygen molecules. This is the reason why forests act like a giant filter. Not only nature’s CO2 filters being removed, but they are often burned afterwards, releasing any carbon they were storing back into the atmosphere.
Trees are absolutely vital in the fight against climate change. Without the world’s forests, we wouldn’t stand a chance. Not only do trees remove unhealthy air, they actually replace it with clean air.
Considering about two-third of the body is made up of oxygen, that’s pretty good news for us. This means that trees are not only important to the planet and wildlife, but they are vital to us humans as well. You, me, we all benefit from trees.
Do you want to read more about One Tree Planted? Such as more information about their reforestation projects, the benefits about reforestation, where they plant trees and how many trees they already have planted? Check their website!