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Planted a tree? It will be planted in California!
- Posted in category: General
- 10/01/2022
Did you choose to plant a tree last month? Your tree will be planted in California!
Wondering why we chose California?
The combination of low precipitation and record high temperatures during California’s most recent drought (2012–16) resulted in dramatically increased tree mortality and large, severe wildfires. The State Forest Service now spends over 50% of its budget fighting fires, when a decade ago it was less than 20%.
Five years of drought and large-scale bark beetle infestation have seriously damaged these once-thriving forests. Not to mention, 2017’s record-breaking wildfire season burned more than 1.3 million acres – an area the size of Delaware. 2020’s fire season have consumed close to 3 million acres, resulting in hundreds of millions of trees that must be restored.
By planting trees we can:
1. Prevent wildfires in California from spreading catastrophically. Young, healthy forests can help suppress future wildfires and reduce the impact of smoke on public health.
2. Protect water supply because two-thirds of California’s surface water supply comes from its mountainous forests. Improving the health of these headwater forests will make them more resilient to drought and long-term climate change.
3. Improve forest resilience because planting trees in California will help create young, resilient forests that can absorb and recover from fire, drought, and insect outbreaks.
Thank you for planting a tree on behalf of NVO. Will you help us plant as many trees as possible? Check our page NVO Goes Green, where we explain why we chose to partner up with One Tree Planted and plant a tree!